Sunday, 20 April 2014

Hibernate in Windows 8

Hibernate Option is Actually Hidden in
Windows 8, We Can easily Unhide it and
Enable it. Just Follow The Below Simple Steps
to Enable Hibernate In Windows 8

Step 1: Press Win + W key ie: Windows key
and “W” key to open up Setting search menu.
Then Type “ Power” , Windows will Show you
Few Results, You have to Click on “ Power

Step 2: Now From the Left Pane, Click on
Choose What the Power Button do.

Step 3: Then on Next Screen Click on Change
Settings that are currently Unavailable .

Step 4: Now Scroll Down to “Shutdown
Settings” Section, and Check Hibernate box
to Enable it and Click on Save Changes.

Step 5: Everything is done, Now next time
whenever you need to Hibernate your PC,
just Move your Mouse pointer to right corner
of your screen to Show up Charm screen,
Click on Setting> Power.

You will notice Hibernate Option added there.
So in this Tutorial we Saw What Hibernate is
and how to Enable Hibernate In Windows 8.

Note>>This post was published by mobile blogger that's why it is in vertical format